Sunday, June 26, 2011


More like flirting with disaster.  Clearly this entire area of social interaction is somewhat blurry for me, but I can tell you with absolute confidence that grabbing someone between the legs is not how it's done.  That crosses an entirely new line of 'forward' of which not only am I unfamiliar, but completely uninterested in knowing.  People say I am direct, but, like that?  Goodness no.

The best part about this image is -- it showed up when I typed in 'flirting'.
It links you to a sexual assault website.

They must have had a run in with previously mentioned overly-forward man.

This is what I found when searching Sexual Assault:
Girl, is that a multicoloured shiny blue and pink rainbow tie?  He's not checking out her ass, he's checking out her shoes.  'Flirting' got much more questionable images.

What I would really like to know is, does that really work for some people?  Do women line up just for a quick vajazzle grab? (is a Vajazz-hands joke too crude to make?)  Because I am only assuming it was done with such confidence because it had such good results previously.  What I thought was creepy to start turned into 'potential rapist'.  All I can think is that if he wasn't trying to flirt with me, he was checking to make sure I had nothing there.  Is that a common problem for him?  Do I instil doubt in what gender I am?

If you remember my other posts, I tend to only have romantic run-ins with say.. Scandinavia.  This does not make me in any way knowledgeable about flirting.  In fact, I would say this makes me less experienced than the average uterus owner*.  I can however say with certainty that a choch grab is no way to woo a lady**.  The funniest part of all of this though, is that said overly-forward man was wearing a Norway T-Shirt.  It's like Scandinavia is sexually assaulting taunting me all over again.

Then again -- Maybe this is why I have thus far been unsuccessful in Spain.

**In most countries.  I am clearly not an expert.

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